Volunteering and Jobs

We don’t have any jobs available at present, but you might like to help out as a volunteer.

Inclusive Cycling

Our accessible cycling project helps people with all abilities and those with disabilities to be able to experience cycling, to gain exercise, meet other people and learn skills.  We have an amazing array of cycles; adult trikes, go carts, wheelchair bikes, 3 wheel tandems, hand cycles and more!

Based on the athletics track at the David Weir Leisure Centre (SM5 1SL), see our Inclusive Cycling page for more info.  We are looking for enthusiastic people to help:
–              set up sessions by getting bikes, trikes and barriers in and out
–              helping out generally as stewards to assist with staying safe & queuing
–              help with minor cycle repairs during sessions and keep the fleet in good condition
–              be there to help generally with these good natured cycle sessions

Offer to help


There are lots of different volunteering opportunities available at the Carshalton Eco-Fair such as organising the music and performing art stages, promoting the fair, helping in the office, liaising with stall holders and more. It is a not-for-profit fundraising event run by volunteers at charity EcoLocal. We are looking for more volunteers to get involved to help make this year a success for the community. Could you do a couple of hours or more helping out as a steward or on the information desk at the event?

See our Eco-Fair page for more info.

Walled Garden – help rennovate the garden

We are renovating a Victorian Walled Garden hidden away behind The Lodge in in the Ecology Centre in Carshalton.  Does this sound like your sort of project?  There are lots of tasks that need doing ….

Offer to help

Plant sales persons

We raise much needed funds for our community allotment project by selling plants.  We would like help with our plant stall at the Wallington Farmers’ Market and we need volunteers to run the stall.  Ideally you would know about garden plants so that you could advise buyers, but you don’t need to be a world expert, as the basic information is on the plant labels that we make.  We will have a contactless card machine as well as a donation bucket to avoid handling cash.

Offer to help

Community Allotment

Help at our supported therapeutic food growing sessions on Mondays and Fridays.  A number of groups of people with learning difficulties, and people with mental health problems come to the allotment and we need help with ensuring that people taking part are safe and happy while gardening.  For example, by ensuring people have the tools they need, that they clean them after use, and that they have an enjoyable time and learn about growing food.

We have also started a volunteer task session on Saturday mornings.  So if you are able to garden independently without support and would like to meet others and get some fresh air and exercise at the weekend, please also let us know.

Offer to help

The Lodge – DIY enthusiasts

We have a beautiful historic building to look after and community facilities to improve and maintain. There are all sorts of jobs and projects to do requiring all levels of skills in decorating and renovating  – you don’t have to be an expert as some tasks are easy.  If you’ve got a bit of spare time, have DIY type skills / and or interest / creativity and would like to put them to good use for the community, we’d love to hear from you.

Offer to help